Work Inquiries
Ph: +44 (0) 7979 576 547


Seamless Implementation for Optimal Results and Business Progress Beyond Expectations. 

Implementation Services


The design phase of any project lays the foundation from which everything else is built. Covoxa approach this activity with a collaborative stance looking to engage all key stakeholders in the process of gathering requirements, exploring system functionality, prototyping solutions and then refining with further feedback.
Implementation Services


The build phase uses the output from the design stage to commence the build out of system functionality. Again covoxa believes in a collaborative approach to this part of any project.
Covoxa will always look to use system standard functionality and configuration to ensure an optimal solution is implemented that is easy to maintain and upgrade through the system’s life span.

Lorem Ipsum

Implementation Services


Testing is obviously a key project activity to ensure any new system or incremental new functionality works as expected. Covoxa will carry out unit and system test phases before involving the wider project team and proposed system users in phase such as user acceptance testing and payroll parallel testing.

. Comprehensive Testing
. Inclusive User Acceptance Testing

. Proactive Issue Resolution
. Focused Payroll Parallel Testing



Implementing or cutting over to a new system is not just a case of turning on one system and turning off another. Careful planning, preparation and execution is required to ensure a smooth transition and minimises the impact to employees and system users alike.
Covoxa has helped plan and execute many such transitions and prides itself on how successful these have been.

Frequently Asked

How does Covoxa approach the design phase?

At Covoxa, the design phase is a collaborative effort involving key stakeholders. We engage in gathering requirements, exploring system functionality, prototyping solutions, and refining based on feedback. This collaborative stance ensures a solid foundation for the entire project.

What is the significance of testing in Covoxa's projects?

Testing is a pivotal project activity to guarantee the functionality of any new system. Covoxa conducts unit and system tests, involving the wider project team and system users in activities like user acceptance testing and payroll parallel testing. This thorough testing approach ensures a reliable and efficient system.

How does Covoxa ensure a smooth system transition?

Implementing a new system requires careful planning and execution to minimise impact. Covoxa has a wealth of experience in planning and executing system transitions, ensuring a smooth process that minimises disruptions for employees and system users. Our focus is on successful, seamless transitions.

Work inquiries

Get in touch.

Laura Norson

Mark Rickson